Saturday, June 13, 2009

Ethical Thinking

There is a theme going round the pagan blogsphere to post up about pagan ethics. Lots of them have made interesting reading. I can't promise that mine will be that interesting though. Sorry.Although a lot of people think I am everso liberal, I do have ethics. They might not be what other people agree with, but they aren mine. They have little to do with Paganism. I personally feel that I would have the same ethics if I wasn't pagan. (However, if I was a Fundie Christian, I imagine some of them would be a bit different! :P )

My ethics are as follows:

Thou shalt use your brain and clear up thy own shit.

And that's it.I suppose I should explain this a bit. It encompasses a lot.

1. Don't mess up the environment, as you aren't the only one using it. And why should my children and my childrens' children have to clear up your shit?
2. Take responsibilty for your actions. You did it, you deal with it. Whether that be good or bad. If you have wronged someone, then so be it. Sort it out and make it better.
3. If sometimes your intentions aren't the purest, deal with it. Don't make excuses. Know what you are doing and why you are doing it, and if it all goes horribly wrong, make sure you can deal with the consequences.
4. Listen to what others tell you, but just because someone says it's true, doesn't make it so.

It's all about taking responsibility for yourself. Since you are the only person you can truly be responsible for. We are responsible TO others, but not for. We have a responsibilty to our children to bring them up safe, healthy and sane.

Paganism to me, isn't about rules and restrictions. No thou shalt not, and if you do, you are eternally screwed. There is no Higher Power looking at you, wagging a finger. The PTBs give us the choice to choose. Sometimes I don't think it is the choice that is the important thing, it is the choosing.


  1. I'm on the same boat. Most of my rules have to do with living and letting live. There are so many things we can't control that there is no point in trying to kick ourselves when something goes wrong. Like you said, it's all about taking responsibility and dealing with the consequences of our actions.

    If you did it, man up to it and go on living!

    Nice post, and it did make for a good read ;) I'm posting my bit on Pagan Values tomorrow.

  2. Thanks. Magaly. Your comments are much appreciated. Glad you are reading the blog. Will be checking out your blog too! :D

  3. Thanks for the link and for visiting my blog. BTW, I quoted you today "Thou shalt use your brain and clear up thy own shit." It was at work, so I can't give you more details, but trust me it was a moment to remember ;)
