Thursday, August 26, 2010

Holiday part 2

We spent Sunday afternoon on the beach as the weather was nice. Owen and Josie had great fun paddling and making sandcastles. Well, I made the sandcastles and Josie the Destroyer stomped all over them! Neil and Owen went rockpooling and found a crab. (Photos are on FB).

Some sadness though, as apparently there was a beached whale at the beach as we left. I have looked it up to see what the news said about it, but if it was the news I found, I won't repeat it as it didn't end well, and was very sad. Fortunately the kids didn't notice, so it didn't put a downer on their day.

Met up with my friends who I was handfasting the next day, and drove to the beach where the ritual was to be. We chose a lovely spot in some sand dunes, sheltered from the elements and very pretty.

The next day was a bit of a rush getting ready and back down to the beach. It was a lovely sunny but rather windy day, so we were without candles.

The ritual itself is as follows,


I cast this circle to create sacred space
For the Handfasting of ........... and .............
I banish all that is unwanted and impure
That only those with Love in the hearts and soul may enter

I call the Spirits of the North
To join us to celebrate and bless this Union
Between ............ and ............
May you bring your Groundedness and Fertility to this couple.

I call the Spirits of the East
To join us to celebrate and bless this Union
Between .......... and ..........
May you bring your Powers of Clear Communication to this couple.

I call the Spirits of the South
To join us to celebrate and bless this Union
Between .......... and .........
May you bring your Passion and Vitality to this couple.

I call the Spirits of the West
To join us to celebrate and bless this Union
Between .......... and .........
May you bring Intuition and Friendship to this couple.

I call on you
Sacred Creatrix,
She who birthed the Universe
She whose love is eternal and has no limits
Maiden, Lover, Mother, Queen and Crone
Be with us now, and bless us all,
As we celebrate the Union of ............ and ..........

I call on you.
The Horned Lover,
He who gives us our purpose of Being and Lust for Life.
He who ignites us all.
Youth, Lover, Father, Consort and Sage
Be with us now, and bless us all.
As we celebrate the Union of ........... and .........

We have gathered today to witness and celebrate the Handfasting of .......... and ....... A handfasting is an ancient celebration of Union in front of family, friends and the Powers That Be. Unlike a marriage, there is no formal script or rules to follow, but it is a Sacred Agreement made between consenting adults who wish to commit their lives to each other.

Their hands are bound together as a symbol of their Union. It is a Union of Trust, Love, Lust and Friendship. (The key ingredients to a good relationship.) It is a bond that is placed with Love and Choice and represents Two Lives Living As One.

CALL .............. AND .......... TO THE CIRCLE

.................. and .............
You have come to proclaim your Love and Intention to create a Sacred Union in front of your Family, your Friends and most importantly your Gods. Do you enter with Love in your Hearts and Free Will in your Soul?

............. and ........... have invited us to share their Handfasting. I ask you to stand as we ask each Element for their blessing on this Union.

They ask,
“Will your Love survive the times of stillness and restriction?”
........ reply,
They say.
Then accept the blessing of the Element of Earth in this place of Winter. May your Union be strong and fruitful.

They ask,
“Will your Love survive the clear light of day?”
They say,
“Then accept this blessing of the Element of Air in this place of Spring. May your marriage be blessed by the light of every new dawn.”

They ask,
“Will your Love survive the harsh fires of Change?”
They say,
“Then accept this blessing of the Element of Fire in this place of Summer. May your home be filled with Warmth.”

They ask,
“Will your Love survive the ebb and flow of feeling?
They say,
“Then accept this blessing of the Element of Water in this place of Autumn . May your marriage be filled with Understanding and Support.”


.............. and ............., the Elements have blessed you and your marriage. Now, in front of the Universe and all that dwells within and without, you are about to join your love, lives and souls together in Sacred Union.

Are you both willing to do this?


(This is where the couple say their vows to each other.)

I use this cord as a symbol of your Blessed Union.
It holds you tightly but freely, supporting but not restricting.
As you both hold each other.

GODDESS, I ask you to bless your children,
who have come here to show and celebrate their commitment to each other.
May their love grow and be an example of True Love to us all.
Bless them with your bounty,
Bless them with your fruitfulness,
Show them your love through their love for each other and to their children.

HORNED ONE, I ask you to bless your children,
As they come before you to share their love and commitment to each other.
May their Passion for each other never fade.
Bless them with your Energy
Bless them with your Passion and Vitality
Show them your Love through their love for each other and to their children.


I declare that ........... and .......... are joined in Marriage.
Now you will feel no rain, for each of you will be shelter for the other.

Now you will feel no cold, for each of you will be warmth to the other.
Now there will be no loneliness, for each of you will be companion to the other.
Now you are two persons, but there is only one life before you.
May beauty surround you both in the journey ahead and through all the years,
May happiness be your companion and your days together be good and long upon the earth.

As a symbol of the start of their new lives together, ........... and .......... shall now jump over the Broomstick and enter into that new world as One.


You are now HUSBAND AND WIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Toast again to ........... and .........

I ask that we depart from this place with the love and joy that this Union has created, and celebrate all of the love that we have in our lives. Remember that we love, and are loved, and this is truly what is celebrated today…..

We now give thanks and bide farewell to the Elements and PTBs that have honoured with their presence during this rite.

Beloved Lady, and Blessed Lord.
We thank you both for your presence and blessings of this Union
We bide you farewell with Love and Honour in our hearts for you always.
Be with us always and forever.
Blessed Be.

Elements and Spirits of the West
We thank you for your presence and your blessing.
We bid you farewell with Love and Honour in our hearts
Blessed Be.

Elements and Spirits of the South
We thank you for your presence and your blessing.
We bid you farewell with Love and Honour in our hearts
Blessed Be.

Elements and Spirits of the East
We thank you for your presence and your blessing.
We bid you farewell with Love and Honour in our hearts
Blessed Be.

Elements and Spirits of the North.
We thank you for your presence and your blessing.
We bid you farewell with Love and Honour in our hearts
Blessed Be.

I close this circle
May the love and blessings it enclosed be spread around us all.

We spent the rest of the day on the beach with my friends and their extended family. The children had a great time playing together, and Neil got a bit toasted by the Sun. We got home about 7/8pm ish and pretty much all fell into bed.