Sunday, August 9, 2009

Just Too Much.

What do you do when it all just gets too much? When you are having a major "stop the planet, I wanna get off" moment? What do you do when the patriarchal bullshit, ecological ignorance, and general "don't give a shit" attitude of your peers gets to a level that you just don't want to deal with it anymore?

Honestly? You shout and swear a lot. And you keep doing what you are doing. How can you do anything else?

I am having a real STP,IWGO! moment right now. However, I can't just stop, I have to keep getting up, living life, and generally getting on with what I get on with.

Oh well...

1 comment:

  1. I can relate. I was having a WTF-with-my-life? moment very recently. I wasn't good like you and realized that I could just swear and continue going. I actually stay down for a few long moments, then I realized how dumb I looked all defeated on the ground and decided to get up and grab life by the horns. It is still fighting back, but I have a strong hold. And if it gets lose, well... I'll just jump on it next time.

    Hang in there darling!
