Thursday, May 14, 2009

Quelle Surprise!? Ummm, non...

We all now that politicians are often sponging, grasping arseholes. Now we have the proof, thanks to the publication of all British MPs' expenses by the Daily Telegraph.

Don't get me wrong, it is disgusting that these people have made up their own salaries and own bonuses and own expenses and have basically sponged off the taxpayer for years, however at the moment this is all the media is talking about. And whilst very very embarrassing for the Government, I am pretty sure there is other newsworthy stuff going on in the world! I personally feel that we need to spend less time discussing how greedy these people have been, and more about sorting out the situation that let this happen in the first place. Why have we let our Government (that we elect and pay for) create a situation where they take and take and take with very little in return.

Our whole society is based on the principle that Profit is God. That making money is the only and most important thing to do, no matter what your job is. Every public sector service is now run with the view to making profit. (I have always wondered how you can make a monetary profit from the NHS and Education, but our Governments liked to have a damn good try!) So why are we so shocked that our politicians would be any better behaved. I KNOW they should be, but they ain't!

And while all this furore goes on, people lose faith in the main parties and look for alternatives. It would be nice to think that it was the Green Party and the likes they are turning to. But unfortunately, this probably isn't the case. Other parties who start saying what they think the public want to hear, with their hot air and false promises. I wonder how many seats the BNP (WILL NOT put a link to their website) will get, because their shameful comments about how they are the only party with the UK's wellbeing at heart, and their insidious blaming of every one who doesn't fit into their ideals.

I hope that British public will see that while the state of British politics is pretty shameful at the moment, to vote in the likes of the BNP will make things a thousand times worse.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with what you are saying. I fear the next election will be fraught with dangers if we aren't careful.

