Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Profit is God.

What's the saying, America sneezes and the UK catches the cold?

Listening to the news and hearing the US government continue to negotiate a deal to get themselves out of the situation that they got themselves into in the first place is scary stuff. Fortunately so far, the stock markets over here seem to be relatively stable. I say fortunately, but in reality it doesn't do much to alleviate Mr & Mrs Average's worries.

I am going to use some nice popular cultural references to describe my feelings about this whole situation.

When did we turn into the FUCKING FERENGI!?

This quote is gacked from the interwebz,
"Ferengi culture is so devoted to unregulated capitalism that concepts such as labor unions, sick leave, vacations, or paid overtime for workers are considered abhorrent, because they would interfere with the exploitation of workers. In addition to the Rules, the Ferengi also recognize the five Stages of Acquisition: infatuation, justification, appropriation, obsession, and resale. They value similar traits in other species as well — Earth's Wall Street is regarded with religious reverence by Ferengi, who routinely visit Earth to make pilgrimages to the "holy site" of commerce and business."

Am I so weird that I really don't understand this obsession with money? I don't have a creditcard, and when I did my debt never got out of control (or over £5k for that matter.) All I want is enough money to cover my bills and a little bit more for savings and spending. Yet I am one of Thatcher's Children. Why did I never fall for the all-encompassing greed that we were expected to have? Why is it, when I look at my peers, I am the only one (really) that is interested in more than my plasma screen tv (don't have one), my new as new can be car (don't even have an old one) trampling over others to further my career?

I just don't get it.

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